Badehaus Seehotel Ambach,
Kalterer See, Italy
a project led by Walter Angonese Architekt
The project for the «Badehaus» inevitably had to start with the Seehotel Ambach. The «Badehaus» has been designed as a freestanding pavillon in the hotel park: a shadow-building, which stays in the background of the main building. The swimmingpool on the other hand works as a joining element between the hotel an the irregular shape of the spa. Four elements – steam bath, sauna, rain room and toilets – clad in blackened oak bear the load of the flat timber roof. The marine flooring with its black joints is mirrored in the interior by the ceiling. The whole perimeter consists of floor to ceiling glazing. The sliding elements allow generous openings which make the border between interior and exterior disappear. The element of the swimming pool is carefully placed in the topography of the lakeside park and references with its materiality the hotel building.
Location: Kaltern, Italy
Client: Ambach Hotel
Year: 2017-2018
Status: built
Program: bathhouse
Lead architect: Walter Angonese
Project architect: Flaim Prünster Architekten
Landscape architect: Proap João Nunes
Collaborators: Jacopo Vantini
Photography: Paolo Riolzi
flaim prünster
via Dante 28
39100 bolzano italy
P.Iva. 03146590215
architetto Francesco Flaim
Quirin Prünster Architekt
© 2025 flaim prünster architekten, All rights reserved.
Design: Studio Mut